“In this moment, everything is sacred.” - Ariel

“Centuries of travel lore suggest that when we no longer know where to turn
our real journey has begun…”

Finding the Sacred in The City of Light…

As a Mystic, I have no rational evidence to lean on for why I feel called to live in Paris…but rather a deep, deep gnosis and the constant never-ending, lifelong invitation of re-membering. Which I happily answer each day as I follow my heart and dance with the inner and outer journeys I continue to take as I live in The City of Light.

For many of us there is great magic in answering this call —

My SACRED PARIS offerings are for those of us who feel called to explore the deeper, more sacred experiences in Paris. These experiences are generally non-secular, but richly spiritual, and filled with the texture of faith and theology and universal love. I am an American from San Francisco, living in Paris with my French husband: a Mystic and a gilder…everything he touches turns to gold. I am a theologian, a lover of faith, faiths and devotion. My current passions are: a deep descent into the heart of Mary Magdalene’s Gospel, steady research and curiosity about the Cathars and The Knights Templar, and discovering and remembering the ancient mysteries and sacred teachings of this time.

I am not a historian or a scholar…I am a pilgrim, a forever student…a devotee…and I feel as though I have been on this path for lifetimes.

Invitations to Join Me…